Time Check: 10 Minutes
Last year, I wrote about my talk preparation process. I mentioned that I try to practice my talk verbatim a bunch of times, especially the night prior.
Next Move
Today is my last day at Domain. After three years, seven months, and three days, it is time to move out.
That Thing About Commit Messages
Last week, I was giving feedback to someone about improving the commit messages they write. I was very taken aback by their response – “it does not matter what the commit messages are”. Now this is confusing for me, mainly because I know from years of experience that having relevant commit messages is important.
2017: The year in review
Welp. Here we are. Another year is about to end.
Parsing Data Binding Errors
Learning something new is always fun and exciting. That is, until seemingly cryptic error messages start creeping up.
Binding to the H(eight)
As would probably be obvious by now, I have been investing a lot of time in learning and using data binding.
I Like Walls
I have always been told I’m stubborn. And I am. So jumping off this post, I continued doing instant apps stuff and I learnt more things this week.
‘I will just migrate this real quick’, said no one ever
When Android Studio 3.0 was announced at I/O, I was very keen to try it out. Mostly because of all the cool stuff in it, but also because of more support for instant apps.
Children, Respect Your Parent(s)
I was updating a bit of code the other day that involved dynamically inflating views into a LinearLayout
using DataBindingUtil.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), R.layout.row_related_property, container, false)
Making the Domain Android App Instant ⚡
The couple of months before I/O had been pretty hectic. Super excited to be able to finally talk about it!