Accurate Measurements With getTextBounds()

We have a few custom spans in our app and over the last few days I have been poring over one of them. I was trying to see if the implementation could be improved but before that could happen I needed to understand what it was trying to do first.

5 min read

//TODO Live Templates

Throughout my career, I have worked in projects of all sizes. I have taken part in greenfield projects and some that are a few years old. One of the lessons I have learned over the years is that no one ever goes back to fix the TODOs.

2 min read

Your Privilege is Showing

When I left the Philippines five years ago, I had a high-paying job at the heart of the country’s financial district. I was living a very comfortable life: I can afford an annual membership to a yoga studio, I bought an off-the-plan apartment with views of Manila Bay, I get to treat my parents to a holiday once in a while, I get to travel with my friends – we were even able to go abroad a couple of times!

4 min read

Which is Which: Named Breakpoints

I have always believed that one of the biggest factors that influence a person’s enjoyment and delight in doing their job are the tools. Having the right tools and using them the best way possible helps direct our energy on the what rather than the how.

1 min read

Scratch That Itch

One of the most useful things for me whilst I was learning Kotlin was TryKotlin. It gave me a quick way to test concepts, try new APIs, or just to get familiar with the syntax.

2 min read

On-Device Debugging Part V: Strut Your Stuff

Over the past year, my team have been steadily building a Developer Options screen for our app. It is a simple PreferenceScreen available on debug builds that help us:

  • figure out what’s going on without needing to be attached to a computer
  • test various configurations without re-installing
  • have a host for various experimentations we are trying to explore
2 min read

On-Device Debugging Part IV: Log All The Things!

Over the past year, my team have been steadily building a Developer Options screen for our app. It is a simple PreferenceScreen available on debug builds that help us:

  • figure out what’s going on without needing to be attached to a computer
  • test various configurations without re-installing
  • have a host for various experimentations we are trying to explore
3 min read

On-Device Debugging Part III: Inspect, Reset, Repeat

Over the past year, my team have been steadily building a Developer Options screen for our app. It is a simple PreferenceScreen available on debug builds that help us:

  • figure out what’s going on without needing to be attached to a computer
  • test various configurations without re-installing
  • have a host for various experimentations we are trying to explore
4 min read

On-Device Debugging Part II: Timbeeeeeeer!

Over the past year, my team have been steadily building a Developer Options screen for our app. It is a simple PreferenceScreen available on debug builds that aims to help us:

  • figure out what’s going on without needing to be attached to a computer
  • test various configurations without re-installing
  • have a host for various experimentations we are trying to explore
3 min read

On-Device Debugging Part I: Now It’s On, Now It’s Off

Over the past year, my team have been steadily building a Developer Options screen for our app. It is a simple PreferenceScreen available on debug builds that aims to help us:

  • figure out what’s going on without needing to be attached to a computer
  • test various configurations without re-installing
  • have a host for various experimentations we are trying to explore
4 min read