A big step

Today was the day.

~1 min read

Stylish Dynamic Layouts

One of the things we are taught in Android is that we should gracefully handle different layouts based on screen sizes. With more and more things being not just screen size-specific but also OS version-specific, this is one thing I think a lot more devs need to pay attention to. Today was my turn to do just that.

2 min read

Using resource IDs in data binding layouts

I have been playing with data binding more and more over the last couple of weeks. This week, it’s all about creating a dialog with stuff dictated by a value from an enum.

2 min read

Snazzy git blaming

Sometimes, you can’t help it. You need to look at what happened in the past to understand what is happening in the present (wow).

1 min read

In which I was in a podcast

It has been a month since IO and in case you missed it, I got to chat with Kaushik of Fragmented. And by golly, I made it into an episode! At that point I was about to lose my voice, so I sound really husky. :p

~1 min read

Taking a closer look while debugging

One of the most common sources of bugs (at least of my bugs) is math. I have been working on dynamically resizing a View the past days, and it was driving me nuts! I needed to consider preserving aspect ratio, device density, original view size, etc etc. Math is hard guys!

4 min read