Enabling/disabling menu items on the fly

In one of my applications, I want to disable some menu entries if the database is not valid or is not present at all. To do that, I make use of the onPrepareOptionsMenu() API.

1 min read

Just wondering

You know those postscripts that Google engineers have on their posts in forums? I wonder if they have a sort of “standards body” that came up with it. They all sound like this:

~1 min read

Quick tip: Quick Formatting of Android XML Files

One of the most useful tools in Android’s Eclipse plug-in is the Layout Editor. It is easy to experiment with layouts using the drag-and-drop enabled editor without having to worry about the correct syntax or if you are using the correct attribute name.

~1 min read

What happened to my layout editor?

There you are, happily creating your layout files in the Eclipse plug-in’s layout editor. Dragging and dropping is a breeze. But then one day, you open a layout XML file and boom! No UI! All you see is the XML tree with all the nodes and attributes. What happened?

1 min read

What grammar?

My OC side was alarmed when suddenly, my Problems view in Eclipse was filled with warnings on my XML files. Each of my XML files had a warning with it, and that little yellow exclamation mark on the side:

~1 min read

TextView and MaxLines

I have a TextView (who doesn’t?) and I want to adjust its height automatically, depending on the length of the text it will contain. Should be easy. It was, but it took me a couple of minutes to figure it out.

~1 min read

Missing hierarchyviewer in SDK 7

If you have SDK version 7, you are most probably missing the hierarchyviewer from your /tools folder. To check your SDK version, launch the SDK manager UI from your installation path, usually C:\android-sdk-windows, then click About.

~1 min read

More plurals: decimal values

In my previous post, I showed you how to set string plurals. If you noticed, the methods to get the plurals strings only accept ints. What if (like me) you want to display a decimal value? I am getting my raw value from a progress bar with a range of 1-10, with 0.1 increments.

1 min read

String Pluralization

Last week, I discovered Android’s support for plural strings by accident. And a good accident it was since I am working on an app that will display a float to the user. I used to display:

1 min read