Android Developer. Sydney by way of Manila. Google Developer Expert. Baking noob.
I give talks about development in general and about Android in particular.
Code Like a Girl IWD 2022: Pecha Kucha

A Pecha Kucha style talk about my journey in tech and how I encountered (and overcame!) the biases the come with it.
Real talk: Data binding

This video is part of the Affogato drop of the AsyncAndroid collective.
Supercharging Your Debug Builds

This talk discusses how we can incorporate tools into our debug builds to help ease development challenges
Baker’s Dozen: A Retrospective

From someone who hated (and almost failed) programming in uni, staying in tech for 13 years is a unique milestone. Technology and best practices have changed a lot since I started, and I have changed a lot too.
Twelve Years On: A Retrospective

September 2018 marked my 12th year as software engineer. From someone who hated (and almost failed) programming in uni, this is a unique milestone. Technology and best practices have changed a lot since then, and I have changed a lot too.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Or, how to find joy in development through small things.
Google I/O 2018 Recap

A recap of the major topics and announcements from Google I/O 2018.

Exploring the data binding library via Plaid

Exploring the data binding library via Plaid
Google I/O 2017 Recap

A recap of the major topics and announcements from Google I/O 2017.

Data binding is a very powerful tool that helps abstract away a lot of boilerplate code. Aside from doing away with findViewByIds, it makes mapping data models to our UI quick and painless. In this talk, we will explore how to use the data binding library through a lot of code samples using the open-source app Plaid. We will touch on some intermediate features such as making custom BindingAdapters to adapt existing widgets to our own needs.
Tools of the Trade

A talk about the various tools available to us as developers that make our day-to-day life easier.
Tools of the Trade

A talk about the various tools available to us as developers that make our day-to-day life easier.
Some videos and/or featurettes that include me.
Google Developer Expert Series: Zarah Dominguez

I sat down with the GDE program to share the path I took to become the first woman GDE in Australia. We talked about what it means to me to be a part of the Android GDE community and how it has impacted my career.
What it means to be an Android Google Developer Expert

I have met so many smart, inspirational, and truly amazing women through the GDE program. I had a chat with other Android GDEs to hear the impact the GDE program had for them.
Android GDE Zarah Dominguez believes in the power of technology to help others

I was selected to be one of the GDEs to be featured for Women’s History Month in 2022. In this article, I talked about my journey in tech and how I view my skills as a tool for helping the community.
Material Design Components: Community tip - MAD Skills

This video is part of the Modern Android Development (MAD) Skills series on Material Design. Here I give the community a tip on how to use the MDC catalog app to explore features of Material Components, and how building your own catalog can give an overview of your design system.
Zarah’s Android developer community story

My Android development journey was featured in a short video at the Android Developer Summit 2019.
Android Dev Summit ‘19 community video

In this teaser video for Android Dev Summit 2019, I talked about how the worldwide Android community has helped me become the developer that I am today.
Protips: A fresh look at advanced topics for Android experts (Google I/O ‘18)

I had the absolute honour of being called out as one of the Google Developer Experts for Android at Google I/O 2018.
From time to time, I have a chat with other people and it ends up on the internet.
Android Panel Discussion with Zarah Dominguez, Kaushik Gopal, Chet Haase, and Emily Kager

I join Kaushik Gopal, Chet Haase, and Emily Kager in a panel discussion with Rahul Pandey and his CS 194A class about how we got into Android development and how we navigate technology.
ADB Live

I sit down with Chet Haase, Tor Norbye, and Romain Guy for the Android Developer Summit edition of their ADB Podcast.
Living by the Code

I sit down with Enrique López Mañas to talk about some of my learnings over the years in tech.
Android Dialogs: Instant Apps

I chat with Chiu-ki Chan about building instant apps for Android
Make your apps instant

I join Kaushik Gopal and Donn Felker where answer some burning questions about instant apps.
Koalas Are Awesome

I guest on the Material podcast with Mikah Sargent and Russell Ivanovic.
Giant Duck Sized Spiders

I guest on the Material podcast with Russell Ivanovic and Andy Ihnatko.
Google IO 2016 (Part 2)

I caught up with Kaushik Gopal at Google I/O 2016.
I also organise a number of events mainly in Sydney, Australia. Some of the major conferences I helped organise are:
DevFest Sydney 2019
DevFest Sydney 2018
DevFest Sydney 2017
DevFest Sydney 2016
DevFest Sydney 2015